Saturday, March 10, 2007

paahijen - ScratchPad launched

Not sure, whether any of our users know (and there are not many of them) that there is a way to actually use text in paahijen-Tagwise anywhere in their blogs or emails or while scrapping. It is kind of a hack, that a seasoned user (we being seasoned due to testing TagWise several times on our laptop) knows. But we decided, thats not quite fair.. and so what if someone is not our user, (s)he should still be able to write in english, get output in their language and post it anywhere they like.... We decided, lets fix this for once and for everyone and thus 'paahijen-ScratchPad' was conceived.

And thanks to Pilot (who still shies away from writing blog entries, hopefully since he can write in marathi now that can be fixed) we got it working rather quickly... and best of all.. ScratchPad is live now!!! Right now one can do stuff in 'मराठी', 'हिन्दी' and 'ગુજરાથી'. More languages are coming soon!

checkout -

And yes, just like TagWise, we might have made some obvious errors modelling users on our behavior, so there might be some issues.. Your feedback is most welcome!!!

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