Actually, this is an attempt to analyze where does paahijen stand after little over one month. Actually, if one looks at the kind of success a lot of web2.0 apps get in first month, we stand somewhere way at the bottom and we have been trying to analyze what exactly is the problem? Is there a problem at all? Or just we have to wait....
Specifically, I am thinking about 'TagWise' because I happened to look at craigslist today and couldn't help comparing it with 'TagWise'. Few things come to mind -
- First, we've flattened out everything. There is no separate TagWise for 'pune' a separate one for 'bangalore' and so on. We believe thats not how we want to do? Why because when I am looking for a "java job", I'd like to find out all of those and if I am really specific about location, I can just add "java job pune" in my query and thats it. We feel this is what we are used to for searching things. thanks to endless pampering by google. :-)
- We also believed that somehow adding "catagories" - "sub-catagories" could be cumbersome to anyone posting his/her ad. So why not let him /her simply decide how he wants to qualify that by just tagging the post. But we decided lets go a step further and rather than simply tagging it, lets add weights to each tag - so as to differentiate between the relative importance of the tags and these weights could come into play when someone searches for tags. Simply put Tags+Importance = Wise Tags => "TagWise"
- There might be an element of risk that we have taken by enabling Indian languages, a lot of people who are outside India might think this is something for India only and then just stay away for this. But that was a choice we favoured for because, we really wanted "non-english-speaking" people to benefit from it. Of course this doesn't stop for someone in Bay Area to post ad for jobs for his new startup.
We didn't notice before that there are atleast dozens of "indian classifieds" sites and we don't find it necessary to compare again because most of the points of are discussed above.
In short this looks cool to us, but not to the guys who come here to see what it is? May be something we are missing. Really dont know what is that? Else we'd have fixed it already :-)
Bottomline still remains - People are not yet coming here as much as we'd like them to or may be I should just stop worrying about it and better finish up the stuff we are planning to add on 'TagWise' and 'Scratchpad' this weekend.
Back to work!!